I changed the painting by removing the hat and going with a more island native look for the fire starter. I’ve also began to fill in the sky and toned down the fires reflection that surrounds the native.
I have been working as frequently as I can but still allowing the paint to dry between layers. I have used a Winsor & Newton water mixable paint called Artisan exclusively for the study. I have also added a mixture of Artisan fast drying medium with a little Artisan painting medium to the paint before applying it to the painting. The two mediums provide a smoother brush stroke and faster drying. One thins the consistency of the colors which aids in detail painting, while the other speeds up the drying time.
I may have made this study a bit too dark. I will have to see if I have got it too dark after I add the sepia glaze in a few more days.

The finished painting will need to dry completely before I can apply a glaze of sepia as my finishing touch.